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Professor Caroline Taylor honoured in Australia Day Awards

By January 27, 2012January 30th, 2012No Comments

Ballarat’s Professor Caroline Taylor honoured in Australia Day awards.
IT’S difficult to think of someone more deserving of an appointment as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) than Professor Caroline Taylor.
Professor Taylor is widely regarded as an expert in the field of sexual violence, child abuse and domestic violence, the criminal justice response to survivors, and social models of trauma and recovery.

Herself a victim of long-term sexual abuse, Professor Taylor was pulled out of school at year 9 but went on to support herself throughout university and complete a PhD for which she received the prestigious Jean Martin Award from The Australian Sociological Association for the most outstanding PhD in social sciences.

Professor Taylor has worked tirelessly to provide support to children, adolescents and adults affected by childhood sexual abuse.

In 2004, she founded a charity organisation, Children of Phoenix, which provides education and training scholarships to survivors of sexual assault.

She has also written several books and journal articles, and her work and advocacy has helped support law reform in a number of Australian jurisdictions.

Professor Taylor provides specialist evidence in child abuse cases and sexual offence proceedings, and works with police across the country to improve their response, investigation and management of sexual offences.

She also works with international bodies such as the United Nations and Interpol. She hopes her appointment as AM will bring greater support to survivors of sexual and domestic abuse.

“I’m very humbled, I really am, but my greatest hope is that it helps profile the issue better,” she said.

Link to original article in The Courier.

Readers comments…

Very deserving, congrats Caroline.

Posted by kudos, 26/01/2012 3:21:55 AM, on The Ballarat Courier

Congratulations to a wonderful person whose passion and energy have done so  much to challenge and change ingrained prejudices, social and legal, surrounding issues of sexual abuse in children, domestic violence against women.   Caroline’s research and writing have also  raised awareness of overall human rights issues for those members of society who are often powerless and voiceless.

Posted by Hamelot, 26/01/2012 12:33:14 PM, on The Ballarat Courier

Congratulations Caroline and rightly recognised for  your dedicated, highly professional and undaunting commitment to people who have been subjected to childhood sexual abuse and those children in our community that are at risk of being like abused.

Posted by Gary Hunt, 27/01/2012 12:38:04 AM, on The Ballarat Courier

Congratulations Caroline. You have been a tireless advocate for abused children. It is an honor to be your colleague and I look forward to our further collaborations. You are truly a gem  and so worthy of this prestigious recognition. Well done my friend
Detective Bob Shilling, Chair INTERPOL
Specialists Group on Crimes against Children

Posted by Bob Shilling, 27/01/2012 2:36:28 AM, on The Ballarat Courier

It is wonderful to see Caroline’s work acknowledged in this way.As a Survivor of childhood sexual abuse and someone who benefited enormously from her book ‘Surviving the Legal System’, I am hugely thankful to Caroline and inspired by her. BIG CONGRATS – much respect and admiration.  : )

Posted by Craig, 27/01/2012 5:42:43 PM, on The Ballarat Courier

A truly inspiring example of a ‘victim’ becoming a Survivor, helping other ‘victims’ to do the same, all the while exposing and challenging a legal system skewed in favour of perpetrators. Keep up the great work Caroline. And thank you!

Posted by David Lunt, 27/01/2012 11:22:28 PM, on The Ballarat Courier

The world is a safer place for other little girls and boys thanks to you and your tireless work.  Go get me girl!

Posted by Will&lizzie, 28/01/2012 6:52:40 PM, on The Ballarat Courier

Thank you Caroline – you have achieved so much and helped so many others in the process. Very best wishes, June

Posted by June, 29/01/2012 2:41:31 AM, on The Ballarat Courier


Congratulations Caroline for all the hard work and dedication for without your heartfelt passion and brilliant brain many survivors such as myself would never have had a voice. If not for you and your wonderful foundation I would never have had the opportunitiy to go back to school and learn the skills needed to turn my life around. I cant thank you enough. You are a beautiful person inside and out.

Posted by V., 30/01/2012 10:49:31 AM, on The Ballarat Courier
i have worked with caroline for the past 14 months as a researcher in sexual assault issues and she has always impressed as one of the finest human beings. i hope this award will assist her endeavours to rid us of this particular blight. congratulations caroline and it is good to see that our decision makers are acknowledging the issues of importance in this way too.
shane muldoon

Posted by shane muldoon, 30/01/2012 11:40:44 AM, on The Ballarat Courier