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National Apology to victims of institutional abuse

By October 22, 2018July 8th, 2022No Comments

Today the Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered an apology to victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse in institutional and church organisations. This apology accompanied a national redress scheme for victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse in government institutional and church organisations.

On behalf of Children of Phoenix we acknowledge this momentous occasion for victims and survivors and their families and friends and for Australia and it is our wish and hope that today’s event contributes to your recovery and healing.

We also acknowledge also the majority of victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse who were and continue to be sexually abused within the social institution of the family.
From communications to our charity we are very aware that today’s event has and may trigger distress and an ongoing sense of abandonment and silencing.

I was privileged to be invited to one of the nationally held meetings to give advice, support and direction for the PM’s Apology and did raise the potential for distress and my hope that awareness of this would be acknowledged to ensure every victim and survivor regardless was able to feel a sense of support for the array of emotions they might feel and be encouraged to seek support from those they trust.

I have advocated for and supported victims and survivors of every form of abuse including sexual trafficking, online child abuse, and child sexual abuse in any kind of setting. Our charity is committed to all victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

I hope that as a community, society and country that we can hear and bear witness to EVERY child sexually victimised and recognise where the greatest vulnerabilities lie. The ongoing struggle and challenge is to create that space to hear the silenced victims whose experiences and stories tell an unpalatable truth and reality.

I honour every victim and survivor and ask that you care for self and love your self.
And may we leave none behind in our commitment to end the abuse of every child and bring recovery and healing to every child and adult victim and survivor.
If the PM’s apology has caused any victim and survivor to experience adverse emotions please seek support and help and make your wellbeing a priority.
And for those who are subject to the Apology, I hope this expression of sorrow and restitution gives you greater comfort and aids recovery for you and those who support and love you.
Sincerely and in kindness
Professor S. Caroline Taylor